The disclosure of increase in the number of American troops inside Pakistani territory by the senior American military officials is yet another proof of Musharraf treachery. Musharraf, who bowed down in front of America under the guise of “Pakistan comes first”, has severely damaged Pakistan within just six years. Musharraf had not just pushed Pakistan into artificial and self-created crisis of flour, electricity and gas but also seems ready for deployment of American troops inside Pakistan. This was revealed by American Centcom chief Admiral William J. Fallen by stating that “Pakistan army seems to be willing for a broad based relationship with American Army for dealing with insurgency in tribal areas and training of the FC (Frontier Constabulary) from American training centre.” The deployment of American troops under the guise of training of Pakistani troops will seriously jeopardize the security of Pakistan. Already, several reports have surfaced in the American press regarding the US’s intent of conducting Special Forces’ operation to steal or destroy Pakistani nuclear assets. Under such circumstances, what “national interest” is being served by inviting the biggest enemy’s troops inside the country? We call upon the Ummah to mobilise and stop Musharraf from allowing Americans to deploy troops within Pakistan. Moreover, the sincere elements in the armed forces should stop Musharraf from this treachery and provide ‘nusrah’ (support) required for the establishment of the Khilafah.
Teringat masa bebrapa waktu yang lalu. Dunia web dan blog, seolah sutu hal yang menakjubkan bagiku. Dan terbesit sebuah tanya? bagaiman ya kok bisa membuat web yang begitu bagus. Mungkinkah seorang tanpa dasar ilmu komputer atau IT bisa membuatnya. Seiring perkembngan dunia internet. Ilmu ngeweb dan ngeblog begitu banyak bergentayangan, sehingga mampu membantu orang-orang yang awam tentang dunia bahasa pemrograman menjadi begit mudah. Jika saja, saya berkata "Tidak" atau "Stop" setiap menemukan kesukaran maka ilmu yang saya dapat pun sebtas keputusasaan. namun berbeda setiap saya mendapati kesukran, untuk terus mencari jawabannya. Distulah letak kenikmatannya, yaitu ketika meneukan jawabannya. Yang awalnya begitu sulit, ketika kita mampu melewati kesulitan tersebut. Maka kemudahan dan senyuman yang akan terkembang. Dari proses pembelajaran ini, saya semakin yakin bahwa sunanhatullah harus dilakukan. Kepandaian bisa diperoleh dengan rajin belajar. Dan tiada pernah ...
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