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[Scholarship] Beasiswa Asian Youth Fellowship 2009

The Japan Foundation offers scholarship to study the Japanese language for Asian students, who wish to study at graduate schools in Japan and have a strong wish to contribute to regional cooperation after obtaining a Master or Ph. D Degree.

The scholarship grantees shall take a preparatory course in the Japanese language and other subjects for approximately 7 months at the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai , situated in Osaka, Japan. Grantees shall live in the provided dormitory through the Program. The preparatory course is developed for people who have never learned Japanese language before.

Grantees will thereafter be matriculated into Japanese universities as Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) scholarship students (Research Student or regular course students) from April 2010.

The objective of AYF program is to nurture human resources for the regional cooperation and development of the area, as well as to promote and enhance friendship and mutual understanding among Asian countries.

Field of Study
We welcome students wishing to studying in the fields of: Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering and Natural Sciences.

(1) Nationality:
Applicants must be nationals of one of the following countries; Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand or Vietnam.

(2) Age:
Applicants must be under 35 years of age as of April 1, 2010 (i.e. born on or after April 2, 1975)

(3) Academic Backgrounds:
Applicants must be university or college graduates, who have completed the fundamental education of their countries, basically of 16 years (those who will graduate from a university or college by the Registration Day of AYF may apply, but the grants may be CANCELLED if the grantees fail to arrive in Kansai on the starting day of the preparatory course).

(4) Study Area:
The study area must be in the same field as the applicant has studied (or is now studying) or a related one.

(5) Others:
a. Good proficiency in English is required.

b. Military men and military civilian employees registered on the personnel list are excluded.

c. Applicants should be in good health.

d. The grants may be canceled if grantees fail to arrive in Osaka, Japan, by the Registration Day of AYF, 2008.

e. The applicant whose spouse has already won a Japanese Government scholarship will not be selected as a grantee, and likewise in the case of a couple applying at the same time.

f. The applicant who has been awarded a Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) scholarship in the past will not be selected as a grantee unless he/she has had a few years' research or teaching experience after returning to his/her country.

g. It is not recommended for his/her family to accompany the applicant to Japan during the AYF program.

(1) Japanese diplomatic missions concerned will select preliminary candidates from among applicants by means of a review of the documents submitted, in cooperation with the foreign governments concerned.

(2) Those who have been selected as the preliminary candidates will be recommended to Asian Youth Fellowship Screening Committee, Tokyo, Japan. The Committee will select grantees from among the preliminary candidates by means of an interview made in their respective countries by a mission member assigned and dispatched by the Committee.

(3) Final announcement will be provided by the Embassy of Japan in writing after Monbukagakusho’s approval to the decision by the AYF Screening Committee. The grantees of the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) scholarship for 2009 will be finally selected, on condition that they have completed the AYF preparatory course successfully, after university placement has been made.

AYF will provide the students with information on Japanese universities through the Program.

Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa klik di webnya AYF disini


  1. terimakasih atas informasinya, saya pasti akan sering berkunjung kesitus ini lagi, salam.. just call me VISITOR


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