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Thariq Bin Ziyad, the Spanish conqueror

After the Messenger of Allah. died, Islam spread in a broad spectrum. Three long-continent of Asia, Africa, Europe and-Mercy and never felt the auspices of justice in the Islamic government. Not with the exception of Spain (Andalusia). This country in mainland Europe the first entry in the embrace of Islam at the age of Governance (Khalifah) Banu Umaiyah.

Previously, since the year 597 M, Spain dominated the nation Gotic, Germany. Roderick king in power at that time. He filed with the wrong. He divides people into Spain in five classes. Class is the first king of the family, aristocratic, wealthy, landowner, and the regional authorities. Second-class occupied the parson. Filled the third-class state employees such as guards, the palace guard, and employees of government offices. They were barely alive and diperalat authorities as a means of extorting the people.

Class is the fourth of the farmers, traders and community groups that live quite another. They were burdened with taxes and levies high. And fifth grade is the laborer, lowly soldier, waiter, and slaves. They suffer the most lives.

As a result of social classification, the people of Spain are not black. Most of them fled to North Africa. Here, under the Government of the Islamic Musa ibn Nusair, , they felt the justice, same rights, security, and enjoy prosperity. The immigrants Spain is mostly religious Jews and Christians. In fact, the Governor of Ceuta, named Julian, and daughter Florinda, who spotted Roderick-part displacement.

See the oppression that, Moses ibn Nusair plan to liberate the people want to Spain at the same time convey to the Islamic country. Caliph Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik to give permission. Musa immediately send Abu Zar'ah,400 troops to the pedestrian and 100 troops cross the strait between horse North Africa and mainland Europe.

Thursday, 4 Ramadan 91 Hijriah or 2 April 710 CE, Abu Zar'ah leave North Africa using the 8 ship where 4 is the fruit of the Governor, Julian. 25th of Ramadan 91 H or 23 April 710 CE, at night, this team landed in a small island near the city Tarife become the first targets of attack.

In the evening the day, the team is successful them several cities along the coast without the means of resistance. The number of troops in the Abu Zar'ah is a bit. After this defeat, Abu Zar'ah home. The success of this expedition Abu Zar'ah the spirit of Musa ibn Nusair to them throughout Spain. So, he ordered Thariq bin Ziyad bring troops to defeat the second.

Thariq bin Ziyad bin Abdullah bin Walgho bin Walfajun bin Niber Ghasin bin Walhas bin Yathufat bin Nafzau is the son of the tribe Ash-Shadaf, barbarian tribes, a native of Al-Atlas region, North Africa. He was born around 50 years Hijriah. He was expert horsemanship, use of weapons, suicide and self-knowledge.

Monday, May 3, 711 M, Thariq bring 70,000 troop crossing to mainland Europe by ship. up in the Spanish coastal region, he gathered his troops on a hill coral, which is now known by the name of Gibraltar, taken from the Arabic "Jabal Thariq," Hill Thariq. Then he ordered his troops all the burning boat fleet that they have.

The Troop was shocked. They asked, "What you mean?" "If the ship is burned, how will we be able to go home?" Ask the other.

With swords unsheathed and emphatic sentence, Thariq said, "We come here not to return. We have only two options: put this country and live here, or we all perish!"

Now comes understand. They welcomed the call jihad is a war with their fiery spirit.

Then Thariq continue briefingnya. "O all the troops, if the case is where you will flee again? You are back in the sea and in front of you are the enemy. By Allah Almighty., The only time when the property is just honesty and patience.

The enemy with a large number of troops and weaponry has been a complete ready to welcome you. While the weapon is only the sword. You will be helped best if you successfully seize enemy weapons and equipment for you. Therefore, as soon as possible immobilize it must be them. Because if not, you will find great difficulty. That's why you must attack them first, so that the strength of their paralysis. Thus, our morale will rise.

An enemy that you are bent round the country will maintain their blood until the final point. Why do we not also be determined for months to attack them martyrs?. But let us shore trust between us and the courage of our stock, which is one of the capital's main struggle.

We must carry on the shoulder. Indeed, I know you've put a determination and spirit as fighters and religious nation. For that you will soon enjoy the joy of life, besides that, you also get the reward of glorious reward from God Almighty. This is because you want to have his sentence enforce and defend his religion.

Believe me, Allah Almighty. is the main helper for you. And It will be the first person to meet the invocation of this before you. I will face its own Roderick King is the proud.For the murder unjust ruler, the country is easily there. I am sure, will put the fear. Thus, this country will be there under the flag of Islam.

Thariq heard the troops have landed, King Roderick prepare 100,000 soldiers with the armor. He led the team directly. Musa bin Nusair send aid to Thariq with only 5,000 people. So the total troop of Thariq only 12,000.

Sunday, 28 Ramadan 92 H or July 19 711 M, both troops met in combat and Barbate River estuary. Julian and some people insinuate to the bunker Roderick. He spread the news that the troops Muslims not come to colonize, but only to stop the oppression Roderick. If Roderick killed, war will be stopped.

Julian successful. Some Roderick troops withdraw and leave the battle field. As a result, Roderick unruly army cordon. Thariq exploit the situation and successfully killed Roderick with their own hands. Roderick drowned corpse and taken away Barbate River flow.

Death of Roderick break the spirit of Spanish troops. Headquarters defense they easily mastered. This success was delighted Moses ibn Nusair. For this is a good beginning for all Spanish Conquest and European countries.

A year later, on Wednesday, 16 Ramadan 93 H, Moses ibn Nusair contrary to bring 10,000 troops following the Thariq. In the journey, he successfully conquered Merida, Sionia, and Sevilla. Meanwhile, troops Thariq memabagi team to subdue Cordova, Granada, and Malaga. He brought some of their own team conquered Toledo, the capital Spanyol that time.

Musa troops and Thariq troops met in Toledo. Both joined to subdue Ecija. After that they move toward the region Pyrenies, France. Only within 2 years, the entire mainland Spain successfully mastered. Several years later the Portuguese Which iconic British musician caused them and replace them with the name Al-Gharb (west).

Moses bin Thariq and Nusair bin Ziyad plan to bring the team to continue north to conquer all of Europe. Because, at that time there was no power from anywhere that you can overlook them. However, the intention is failed because Caliph Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik called on their return to Damascus. Thariq home first, while Moses ibn Nusair preparing a new government in Spain.

After the meeting Caliph, Thariq bin Ziyad not to return to Europe. He was sick and die. Thariq bin Ziyad has been to promote the name in history as a sheet native son of North African Muslims who conquered mainland Europe.


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