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Self Confidence

‘A man who doubts himself is like a man who enlists in the ranks of the enemy and bears arms against himself.He makes his failure certain by being the first to be convinced of it. Alexandre Dumas

 CONFIDENCE IS CRUCIAL TO A HAPPY AND FULFILLING LIFE.It influences your success atwork,your family life,relationships and leisure activities.It affects your performance in everything you do.A belief in one ’s self is without doubt the greatest asset of all. Even great wealth and fame can ’t compensate for a poor self-image.

People who lack confidence and self-belief always underachieve.They ’re less adventurous and less likely to get the most out of life.They ’re more prone to a variety of stress-related problems, including anxiety,eating disorders and mental health problems.Low self-esteem is the fundamental cause of most family break- ups, poor parenting and relationship problems.In addition,much crime is associated with drug abuse,unemployment,poverty and aimlessness,all of which are related to low self-esteem.

Does lack of confidence hold you back?If so,you ’ve made a wise purchase.365 Steps to Self Confidence has been carefully structured to help you become more confident.It takes you deep inside your mind and gives you tools and techniques which have worked for millions of people around the world.All you have to do is to work through and apply its lessons.

Time and energy devoted to building your confidence and self-esteem are nothing less than investments in your whole life.The exciting thing is,no matter what your history,background or current state of confidence,you – we all – can learn to be confident,,because it ’s never too late.


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