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Set Your Goals

Setting goals doesn ’ t need to be complicated.Most of us do it everyday without realizing it!We have our to do"list,our grocery list,our calendar with activities,etc.These are there to help us get things done!And usually we set a time they need to be done (today,tomorrow,next week, etc.)

How does that apply to your FreeLife business?You ’ve written down your why"and now you need to set your goals"so that you can achieve your why. How do you develop goals for yourself?It ’ s really pretty easy and can be a lot of fun!

There are many self improvement books that include setting goals on the Internet or at your local bookstore or library.We ’ve included the following list of suggestions for getting started when setting your goals.

Make a list of things that are important to you (your Why")
Look at your values.Is it important to you to increase your income?What would make your life more meaningful?What do you yearn for?

Visualize your success!
Several times a day close your eyes and for a couple of minutes vividly imagine what it ’ s going to feel like when you achieve your why".Really get into it.Feel it as if it were really happening right now!Get excited!

Write down your goals!
Just thinking about your goals is not enough.If you want to reach your goals,you need to make them real,write them down!
Don ’ t worry how you will make your dreams come true at first.Magic happens when you put your goals down on paper.Writing them down is the first step in turning a dream you might achieve into a goal you will achieve.
Stay in the present,take small steps at a time!
Long range goals are very important,but in order to change your life now,you need short range, immediate goals to work on.Take small steps towards your goals and those small steps will turn into huge accomplishments over time!

Make goals that are personal to you
Make goals that you have control over.In other words,make your goals about your own feelings and behaviors,etc.because you can only control how you respond and what actions you will take to reach your dreams.You can ’ t control others!

Make your goals measurable and realistic
State clearly what you want the end result to be.Be realistic.Don ’ t set yourself up for failure by setting your goals so high that they cannot be reached.This will only lead to disappointment.

Get support
Tell those who will be supportive about your goals.We can all use a little friendly support when beginning a new endeavor.Find a mentor who will be there for you.

Track your success
Keep a journal or notebook where you can track what you have done to reach your goals!It keeps you motivated to take the next steps you ’ve set for yourself!And you ’ll feel great as you see things getting done!

"Discovering that you can achieve something you really want
can be extremely rewarding,liberating,
and very empowering!


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