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Schlarships Program

The programme 2009-2010 is on line.

Bourses - ScholarshipsOverview of the 2009-2010 program.

Within the programme for international courses and training programmes 2009-2010, CIUF grants 150 scholarships for participation into the courses and 70 for participation into the training programmes.

You will find on this site a list of international courses and training programmes for which there is a possibility of scholarship and the modalities of introduction of an application file as well as the rules of selection. These rules define the conformity of the files and therefore are very important.

Practical information about Belgium is also available on this site.

The Bologna Reform

Training proposed by the flemish universities of Belgium

Flemish universities also propose training programmes and courses for key-persons from developing countries.

Please refer to the website of the Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad (VLIR) which groups the Flemish universities, for more information about this programme :

Master complémentaire in International and Development Economics


The objective of the programme is to train students in economic policy and help them become actors of development.

The programme has a three-sided approach :

* It analyses macroeconomic and trade policy issues related to economic growth and global economic integration;
* It discusses the institutional structures required for the effective working of a market economy;
* It explores strategies of poverty reduction.

This approach aims at imparting to the students a comprehensive view so thaht they can contribute to the development of realistic and innovative structural reforms that are based on sound economic analyses and well adjusted to the social and political context of each country


The courses of the programme are structured around three main themes :

1- Macroeconomic Management

2- International Economic Relations

3- Development and Institutions

Students are expected to participate actively in the classes and seminars and to write a personal study project.


- A four year university degree in economics. The whole university education of the applicant must be equivalent to at least 300 credits, as assessed by the admission committee of the programme;

- A strong interest in development;

- A professional experience of at least two years in direct relation with one of the programme themes.

Scholarships available : 11

Duration of the course: 1 academic year (starting date for the course : 15 septembre 2009)

Language of instruction: English


The programme is organised by the "Economics School of Louvain" which comprises of the Departments of Economics of the

Facultés Notre-Dame de la Paix à Namur :
Head of department : M. Jean-Marie BALAND

Université Catholique de Louvain :
Head of department : M. Vincent BODART

For more information :

(for more information about course)

Mrs Pierrette NOEL
Rempart de la Vierge, 8
5000 Namur - Belgique

Tél : +32 81 72 48 23
Fax : +32 81 72 48 40


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