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Chinese Government Special Scholarship - Postgraduate Program

Fudan University Detailed Implementation of the 2009 “Chinese Government Special Scholarship - Postgraduate Program”

In order to increase the cooperation and understanding between the people of China and other countries, develop outstanding international talent and improve the perception of China’s higher education, under the mandate of the Department of Education, Fudan University is opening application for full-time postgraduate studies under the 2009 Chinese government scholarship program.

In order to facilitate the implementation of the Chinese Government Scholarship, the following detailed implementation has been issued in accordance with the “Chinese Government Scholarship Application Method”

I. Scholarship scope and distribution

1. The Scholarship is aimed at assisting Master’s and Doctorate candidate students who apply for Fudan University in 2009.

2. 30 Scholarships are available for 2009.

3. Scholarship scope:

- Students are exempt from registration fees, tuition, laboratory fees, internship fees, study materials and accommodation costs;

- A living stipend is provided (Masters Students 1700RMB/month, Doctorate Students 2000RMB/month) ?

- New arrival one time set up subsidy 1500RMB/person;

- To provide out-patient medical fees and Chinese Government Scholarship Foreign Students Medical Insurance 600RMB/person/ year.

Note: For details?please consult Chinese Government Scholarship Council Webpage at cn

II. Qualifications for Scholarship Application

1. Applicants must be foreign nationals, and in good health;

2. Education and age requirements:

Applicants for doctorate studies should have obtained a master’s degree and not be older than 40; applicants for master’s studies should have obtained a bachelor’s degree and not be older than 35;

3. Applicants should be graduates of internationally known overseas universities, or those universities that have established exchange programs with Fudan University. Applicants should have excellent grades; or should be a student from overseas university recommended by a Fudan University postgraduate advisor;

4. Applicants should not be holding scholarship of any other category.

III. Application for area of study

All Chinese-taught and English-taught programs open to international students. (Not including MBA, IMBA and all cooperation programs with foreign universities or institutions. )

For more information, please consult http://www.fso. cn

IV. Application materials

1. Two copies of the Chinese Government Scholarship Application Form, can be downloaded from forms/6-? ???????.pdf or www.fso.fudan. /cscform. pdf

2. A copy of Application Form for Foreigners Wishing to Study at Fudan University can be downloaded from

http://www.fso. cn/downloads/ application. doc

3. A certified copy of the certificate for the highest education level attained. If the applicant is still in school or working, evidence of studies or current position should be provided. Non English or Chinese language documentation requires a certified English or Chinese language translation;

4. Complete original or certified Undergraduate or Master’s transcripts. Non English or Chinese language documentation requires a certified English or Chinese language translation;

5. Personal Statement. Masters applicants should write no fewer than 1000 Chinese words, and Doctorate applicants no fewer than 1500 Chinese words, when applying for courses given in Chinese. Applications for courses given in English require a 2000 word personal statement in English. The content should include education and work experience, results of academic research, research plan, and personal goals and plans after graduation, etc.

6. If the applicant has published a paper, received an award or scholarship or any other evidence of academic ability, the title, abstract and publication or any other valid documentation should be provided.

7. Two recommendation letters from professor or associate professor, written in Chinese or English.

8. A copy of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners can be downloaded from Chinese Government Scholarship Council web page forms/foreinphy. pdf and should be printed double-sided.

Note: 1. Please provide a valid email address in the application form for good contact.

2. Whether or not the application is successful, the application materials will not be returned.

V. Application time and approval process

Application is open until the 15th of April, 2009.We will count on the postmark.

1. Applicants should send the application materials to the Fudan University Foreign Students Office. The Foreign Students Office will pass the application materials of qualified applicants to the relevant department;

2. After inspection and comment, the departments will return the materials to the Foreign Students Office within the allocated time.

3. The final results will be made by the Review Committee of Fudan University for International Students Scholarships. Fudan University will report the results to the Chinese Government Scholarships Council for approval.

4. Fudan University will send the admission notice and Visa Application Form (JW201) to the successful applicants right after the results are approved by the Chinese Government Scholarships Council

VI. Scholarship recipients must go to Fudan University to register on the date stipulated by the university. Students who have not received permission and arrive late for this process will have their Scholarship status automatically cancelled.

VII. Foreign Students who have received scholarships should participate in annual scholarship evaluation. Scholarship holders who fail to meet the requirements will have their scholarship cancelled.

VIII. Fudan University reserves the final right of interpretation of these detailed implementation regulations.


Address: Foreign Students Office,Fudan University

No.220 Handan Road,Shanghai, China 200433

Tel?0086-21- 55664568 Fax?0086-21- 65117298

E-mail: xr_zhang@fudan.; lei_wang@fudan.



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