by. Adnan Khan As the financial crisis that has engulfed the world gets worse free market ideologues are finding it more and more difficult to defend Capitalism. State intervention the ultimate taboo of the free market has become their best friend throughout the crisis. As each government bailout one after the other is unable to stem the panic selling of speculators, Capitalists are falling back on some fundamental arguments to protect and defend their way of life: 1. Although the market has the periodic crash, this is part and parcel of capitalism. It is needed to bring order back into the system. It remains the best way to distribute wealth and resources across the economy and there is no alternative. 2. Capitalism has a track record of generating huge wealth. In 2007 the world generated over $54 trillion, the most in humankind. The prosperity and progress the world has witnessed in the last two centuries is unheralded in history and is evidence of Capitalism's superiority....
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